Native mitral valve endocarditis - Robotic cardiac surgical repair
Robinson Poffo, MD, MSc,a,bHenry Eiji Toma, MD,b Sergio Augusto Fudaba Curcio, MD,a,b Alisson Parrilha Toschi, MD,a,b Renato Bastos Pope, MD,a,b and Leandro Echenique, MD,c São Paulo, Brazil
Mitral valve repair in native valve
endocarditis is often a challenging
procedure. Robotic cardiac
surgery is a safe approach
and can be an asset for valve
reconstruction, especially in
complex cases.
Copyright. 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The American Association for Thoracic
Surgery. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
From the a Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Instituto Poffo de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, São Paulo, Brazil; and Divisions of bCardiovascular Surgery and cCardiology, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil.
Read at The American Association for Thoracic Surgery Mitral Conclave Workshop, New York, May 4-5, 2023.
Hospitais que Atendemos:
Consultório Moema
Av. Guaramomis, 1176
Sala 41 – 4 andar
04076-012 | São Paulo – SP
Tel.: 11 4393-3523
Consultório Morumbi
Avenida Albert Einstein, 627 – Bloco A1
Consultório Sala 421 – 4 andar
05652-901| São Paulo – SP
Tel.: 11 2151-5421